Basic Judging For Dry Fencing

The dry (not using electronic scoring) fencing competition bout depends on the quality of the judges…

The Single Best Grip Exercise For Rock Climbing!

One of the best overall grip exercises for rock climbing is the kettlebell farmer’s walk. If…

The Legacy of Michael Jordan

Although he has been retired for several years now, Michael Jordan is still widely regarded as…

The Health Benefits of the Cricket Game

Cricket is a popular bat & ball sport that is in many ways similar to the…

Lifestyle Changes For Anti Aging Skin

Your skin is the first thing people notice about you. The unfortunate part of that fact…

Practicing Sports in Order to Gain Real Health Benefits

Sport is a powerful tool to improve the quality of life, provided it is done it…

Two Energetic Hobbies For the Benefit of Your Physical, Mental Emotional Wellbeing

People enjoy being active whether it be skipping in your back yard or snow boarding down…

Fall Dust Allergies

If dust and dust mites are the bane of your existence, then you should read this…

8 Tips to Help You Buy the Best Basketball Shoes

Today, you can choose from numerous types of basketball shoes. If you have never bought one…

10 Benefits Of Aromatherapy Massage

An aromatherapy massage is a Swedish massage therapy used for a variety of different reasons for…