Comfort zones are considered to be where you feel the most comfortable with yourself and where your abilities are not being tested. It is also considered a place where you do not have to do anything different or new. Hence, why a lot of people will tell you to get out of this zone and go out into the world and learn all kinds of things that you might have never imagined yourself learning or being a part of. And all of this starts once you start moving away from the safe space you have created for yourself.
Consider the life of Yousef Hamed Al Refaie – one of the most renowned Kuwaiti adventurers, mountaineers, and explorers – including being the youngest man ever to complete the Volcanic Seven Summits Challenge.
Al Refaie started his mountaineering career in 2015. He began with the Volcanic Seven Summit Challenge with Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. In 2017, he summited the Elbrus in Russia, and the following year; it was Mount Giluwe in the continent of Oceania, the mountain range part of Papua New Guinea. Then in the past few years, it was the Ojos Del Salado in Chile, Damavand, Iran, and then Sidley, Antarctica.
At the moment, Al Refaie aims to complete the Seven Summits and the Seven Deserts of the world and hopes to use his example to inspire people to get away from the comforts of their homes and take a chance to explore the outside world.
Embracing new experiences can significantly improve one’s life experiences and business career – which is why we have gathered the following ways to help you get out of your comfort zone and move toward a direction that will change your life.
Making Changes in Daily Routine
Let us start with something small because it will give us several ways to change and small tasks that are easier to accomplish. Start waking up early, for example, and go out for a walk to work. Or just simply walk for pleasure, where you can go outside of your house and explore your nearby surroundings.
Learning Something New
This is your moment to go and get it done. Consider picking up a new hobby – something you have not tried before or something you were always hesitant to try. Maybe you might have wanted to learn an instrument. In that case, start enrolling in classes where you can become better at it. Connecting with different sides of yourself can be a fantastic experience, and seeing yourself grow.
Upping Your Game
Have you ever heard the saying that if you want to play, play with someone better than you? Well, that saying applies to all parts of your life and career. First of all, you need to think about where you want to be in your career – then you reach out to people who have reached there and learn how they made it there. You can observe or even reach out to them, scheduling a meeting to gain feedback on your progress.